Harshvardhan D.

People who know me are surprised that a logical person like me believes in horoscopes. A few years ago, I was an ardent non-believer, I used to criticize horoscopes frequently. My journey with horoscopes started when someone asked me to experience horoscopes and then criticize. I realized that there is a point there and I spent an year meeting various people. Most of them were fake. Some read horoscopes, some read palm, some read so called energy from face etc. 

I was on the verge of giving up when I met someone who gave me shocking unimaginable revelations about my ancestors that I was unaware of. Upon verification they all turned out to be
true. This had a profound effect on me. Many people have a habit of rejecting something only because they cannot explain it. I am not one of them. I will accept that there is something there that is beyond my intelligence.

Unfortunately, the person who opened my eyes tried to push me towards black magic etc in which I was not interested. My morals would not permit me to take
this path and hence I started searching for a proper horoscope reader. My criterions were

1) A reader who does not demand specific fees turning it into a business, that goes completely against the ancient tradition of horoscope reading

2) Who does not get very negative and tries to scare people

3) On the same note, the reader must be positive and suggest positive actions.

After consulting with someone for a few years, that person became unavailable. I searched for a replacement for some time and came across Nilesh Pendharkar.

My wife is a very strong catholic and thinks that predicting future is a witchcraft. I always tell her that horoscope at the minimum give 100% prediction about which period is good for you and which period is bad. The idea is to maximize gains during good period and take precautions during bad period. Horoscopes are a complicated theory. It is like Arabic where a single word might mean many different things and you really don’t know what you are reading unless you know what you are reading. It is the same with horoscopes, a single constellation in the
horoscope can be interpreted in more than one way.

A horoscope reader does not know which outcome is applicable to you unless the reader knows what your circumstances are. Hence,
there is no point in testing a reader’s skills by holding back certain information. Further, predictions do not always come true. However, there is always a chance that is going to come
your way. It is up to you to be vigilant and be on the lookout for the opportunity. Good and bad are very relative. If something bad happens but it makes you a better person then was it really bad in the long run? The point is one needs to be very circumspect.

I consult with Nilesh with all these parameters in mind and I have been very happy with his predictions. He has been very positive since I started consulting him. Most of his predictions
have come to fruition. These predictions were very important for me since I am going through a turbulent period in which it is impossible to make any decision by scientific thinking. His  predictions helped me to plan my actions.