Prashna Kundli Experience 2


My mother used to come to my house only occasionally. Those days she was visiting. Her sitting place was in front of the door near the dining table. She used to sit there and read religious books. Her entire bag was kept there. It seemed as if she was sitting in front of the door so that she could go back as soon as possible. She did not like to be here much. That day we had to go out somewhere. I thought of meeting my sister-in-law. My mother and sister-in-law are like mother and daughter. I had my karonda coloured purse in my hand. While keeping the key of my cupboard in its pocket, I also picked up my mother's purse which was a little smaller, that too karonda coloured! It also had a pocket at the back. Slowly, while helping her to take it down the stairs, both the purses came on my shoulder. As soon as she sat in the car, I quickly sat on the driver's seat and gave both the purses to my mother together. I was excited to go to my sister-in-law's house. We were back in 1 hour. 2 days later, when I remembered the keys to take out some things, I couldn't find them. How could I have found them?


I searched for them in the back pocket of my purse, everyone searched my purse. I couldn't find them. Then advices started coming one by one. The first advice was - Bhabhi, you must have left it in the school. I asked there. If it was there, I would have found it. There too, everyone's expressions became worried. Anyway, in our country, we feel that the tension of others is also our own, there is so much of intimacy in login.


Then advice after advice came. All the maids, after consulting, started saying - Bhabhi, look under the mattress, look inside the sarees, look in the duvets... They even checked Patidev's cupboard. All the helpers were ready to help. Someone was saying - Bhabhi, you must have kept it in the store room, someone was saying - Bhabhi, have you seen the crockery cupboard? Have you left it somewhere in the room downstairs? Is it somewhere in the trunk of the Activa? I had lost patience. I was worried that there are precious things in the cupboard, what if the person who will get the keys is not trustworthy..!? In such times, I remember Bhaiya. I called him. There has never been a day when he did not pick up the phone or did not answer.


I wonder where his enthusiasm to always be present comes from. Bhabhi's patience and understanding is the reason behind this.


Listen to her answer... do not stop looking, keep looking for 1-2 days, you will definitely find it. It is in front of the main door of the house or somewhere near it. She said "If there is a dining table in front of the door, then it is somewhere near it." I was thinking... how can it be near the dining table? There is nothing else around it except chairs. I asked her "where near the dining table". As always, her answer was "you know that". I was laughing. She had asked me to find a place where the keys would not be visible, it was not possible. 2 more days had passed. In the evening I was going to drop my daughter, when my sister in law arrived. While climbing the stairs she said, "Bhabhi, I will talk to your mother. Please drop your daughter." Then as she came down the daughter remembered that she didn't have a pen, "Have you brought a pen..?" she said mumbling, "Yaar, don't you even keep a pen?" The daughter is aunt's favourite. Looking down from the gallery she said, "I'll give you a pen, wait!" Grandmother's love also woke up, "There is a pen in my purse." she said to her aunt. "Son, take it out of my purse, it is in the back pocket" and as soon as sister in law put her hand in her purse to take out the pen, she shouted with joy, "Oh, there is a key in it"!! I came running back to the gallery, "Bhabhi, look what you found" and now even my daughter's whimpering had turned into laughter. I shouted from downstairs, "Bhaiya had said..." Every fiber of my being was filled with surprise. How could it be so accurate? Keeping my thoughts in check as per Bhaiya's belief was the only thing that worked. All three of Bhaiya's words turned out to be true. First, near the door of the house where Mummy used to sit, and where we found the keys. Second, about meeting in a day or a day. Third, some member of the family will meet.


Thank You

Seema Agrawal