Gujarat Election 2022 Predictions : Mundane Astrology


During Gujarat Election, Kurma Chakra suggests unrest in South-west part of Gujarat and North East Part where Ketu and Rahu affect the decision of Voters. 


Phase 1 : Ruling Party : 48 Seats + 09 Seats Under Watch

Phase 2 : Ruling Party : 61 Seats + 10 Seats under Watch

Overall 109 Seats + 19 Seats Under Watch 

* Under Watch means Probalility : likely to win 51%


Gujarat Assembly Election Dec2022 : BJP to retain Power with almost 2/3 Majority no anti-incumbancy though In-fighting, and reduced support of Govt. Employees. 


Other info

AAP to get around 4-8 Seats, Congress gets reduced below 60